5 Secrets of Fit Parents
Finding the time in your schedule and the money in your budget is easy when you are young and single. Once you’ve started your family, you are lucky if you can find a second to breathe, much less sleep, cook some healthy food, or workout. It is so easy to get sucked into a vicious cycle: you’re too exhausted to make healthy choices, and as you get more unhealthy, you get more exhausted. It’s understandable and it’s not fun.
Fortunately, there are lots of fit parents who have figured out how to beat this cycle, get in shape, and then have even more energy for everything in their lives. The majority of the members of On Target Fitness in Portsmouth, NH are full time working parents. Despite all of the obvious and understandable challenges, they are incredibly successful in accomplishing their health and fitness goals. All this while juggling their other roles as spouses, parents, and professionals. How the heck do they do it!? What is the cheat code? I’ve asked them what were the keys to their success and I got a TON of advice. This is what these fit parents had to say:
- Find allies. This was from a conversation I had with Lisa R on the Portsmouth Fitness Podcast. She has a husband, two kiddos, and runs her own business. She spoke a lot about finding your allies for your goals. More specifically, making allies of the people in your life. Your spouse and your family shouldn’t be the reason you “can’t” get to the gym. They should be on your team. That won’t just happen on it’s own. It requires a lot of open communication and give/take according to Lisa. Her and her husband are proactive about communicating when that give and take will happen. She makes sure her kids are on board with her goals at the gym. Now they are part of the solution instead of part of the problem and that is HUGE. Beyond fitness, it helps make our family members part of the journey of our lives. Working towards a common goal brings the family together. Who doesn’t want that?
- Lead by example. Everyone wants to set a good example for their children. How well you take care of yourself is absolutely part of what kids see in their parents. “The best example you can set for your children is to prioritize your own physical and mental health.” -Lisa G. Once you have kids, you need different motivation to workout. The old motivations won’t work anymore. You are different now. Use that powerful instinct to set the right example for your family as the rocket fuel to get you in shape!
- Put your oxygen mask on first, then help others. When things get busy it is really easy to get stuck in a pattern of putting your needs last or never. You simply can’t bring your A game to your spouse, your kids, or your job if you are a mess yourself. It isn’t always easy but it is simple, you have to take care of yourself. Your own well being is the priceless secret weapon behind being more energized, more positive, and more patient. All those attributes make you a better spouse, parent, and coworker. The gains you achieve by taking care of yourself multiply into all aspects of your life. “Oxygen mask goes on the parent first is my mantra. While it can’t always be done, it’s an invaluable lesson.” -Andrea A. “You end up being a better parent because when you are healthier you are happier.” -Lynne O.
- Make the right sacrifices. Whether it is your money or your time, both are precious and you want to spend them the right way. The results are in. We know what happens if you don’t take care of yourself. If you don’t make a little time for your health now, you will lose years and even decades later. Here is what Tish C had to say “As parents, we sacrifice so much for our children. It is part of the job. However, we should not sacrifice our health because we want to be around for the long haul.” Okay now let’s talk money. We will all spend money on our health whether we like it or not. We do get to choose how though. We can make small sacrifices now or we can go bankrupt later paying for preventable medical conditions. “Unfortunately money is always going to be tight with a family. But making small sacrifices to fund your long term health is important too. Cut back on little things like buying coffee, eating out, online subscriptions, etc and then you can break even on your health spending.” -Ryan K
- Stop Making Excuses. This one comes off a little judgemental but it’s written with love and practicality behind it. You simply can’t orient your brain on solutions if you are tying it up coming up with reasons you can’t be successful. It honestly doesn’t matter if the reasons are valid. If you are a working parent, they probably are. But you can have your excuses OR you can get in shape. You can’t do both so you have to do a mindset cleanse. “Stop making excuses! It will be better for you, the kids, and the family.” Kristin K. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Most of the obstacles that busy parents have in fitness simply mean you have to try different strategies and different mindsets than folks who aren’t parents.
Being a fit parent has its own challenges that require its own solutions. That said it absolutely CAN be done! It isn’t always easy but it is always worth it!